
Action, Interaction and Reaction.

physics> entity.
all the numbers define the location of the object (bottom)
create flow graph. RC>add node>HUD> display debg message.
add note> entity> pick position.
Rc on graph entity> assign entity.
RC add node> input keynote.
LC pres and drag a link.
Inputs in RHS, L.
graph entity RC> assign entity.
change the numbers in the right side tool bar to change the position of the object.
copy, paste. to create a new log.

does that not work? try:
view> components> check all options.

the whole city emerges as you travel through, pressing the key might make the bridge into being. moving visual form with dynamics, comic like stop motion, the crash slows down in time, moving elevators change in perspective, get it to pass through thing and around things. CHANGE IN PERCEPTION.
INCEPTION. ARCHITECTURE WHICH MOVES. the literal slant, a misconception taken literally. a surprise/expectation. Interaction/ elements which interact to create itself. ok go music video. typewriter, maze, law of gravity. Interactions between people and environment.


Think about where we have been, how do we occupy space? factory/office/

Experiencing architecture that is hot, cold, dry, warm etc. architecture that transforms over time in order to cope with change.
architecture that develops after the physical elements have been created and comes alive through interaction. Elevators which rotate into different directions. The play, coordinate the elevators interaction. get the timing and the character right. The way all the elements work together. Doesn't have to be complicated. What it i then, what it is now. revealing a new condition. Thangs that change. Design the people interacting with the environment, the people become the architecture, using people as a way to generate power.
Albox Craft. The role that architects have in global warming.
Coop Himmelblau
Diller+ Scofidio.
Ice hotel.
west 8


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