
Stephen Hawking, Charles Darwin, Electroliquid Aggregation

Concept: “Why still speak of the real and the virtual, the material and immaterial? Here these categories are not in opposition, or in some metaphysical disagreement, but more in an electroliquid aggregation, enforcing each other, as in a two part adhesive.”
Reference: Lars Spuybroek, [1998] Motor Geometry, Architectural Design, Vol 68 No5/6, p5

Steven Hawking
"Time and space are finite in extent, but they don't have any boundary or edge. "

If we look to the islands off the American shore, however much they may differ in geological structure, the inhabitants, though they may be all peculiar species, are essentially American. We may look back to past ages, as shown in the last chapter, and we find American types then prevalent on the American continent and in the American seas. We see in these facts some deep organic bond, prevailing throughout space and time, over the same areas of land and water, and independent of their physical conditions. [page] 350 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. CHAP. XI. Charles Darwin http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?viewtype=text&itemID=F373&pageseq=1

Combination-Electroliquid aggregation.
We see in time and space, some deep organic bond which are finite in extent, but without any boundary or edge.

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